Happy Birthday New England Blogger s! (http://ebogie.blogspot.com/2010/01/happy-birthday-new-england-bloggers.html) Part of the celebration is for each blogger to write something about their New England experience or State. Like a kid with a looming homework assignment I have been struggling with what to write. I am not computer savvy to download a slide show of my state or upload pics from the internet.So I will do what I do best and thats ramble on and on, and maybe just maybe I will contribute a little something.
I live in Maine where it snows and it snows and its cold in the winter. I hate winter! Every winter I beg my husband to move to warmer climate then he says "if we move then in summer you will hate the heat, or be worried about Tornadoes or hurricanes" (why is it husbands have an excuse for everything?). I am a home care nurse, I drive to some bad rural areas, and you see this is another reason why I hate Winter, driving! I have family in the the South, they like to make fun of us hicks up here, most recently a friend in the south was shocked that I was able to see the movie Avatar in 3D, her reply was "you actually have 3D all the way up there? (its a good thing she is far away to avoid my pummeling her). I digress, anyhow these relatives in the South recently got some snow and ice, and guess what, their world ended. Schools shut down for days, no one went to work, and they dont have people who plow their driveways or snow blowers they HAD TO SHOVEL!! I loved it and it has made me think that winter is not so bad here, because us Mainers have learned to keep going, adapt, survive. Without winter there would be not spring, no contests to see who spy's the first Robin, no apple blossoms, lilacs, No Mud which is a vital rite of passage for every toddler to run throght the mud with his/her goloshes. There would be no need for LL bean or sleigh rides, no appreciation for hot cooco, or wood stoves.....all of these things that in our coldest season bring feelings of warmth and happiness. So I think I will re-evaluate my hating Maine winters they are not so bad in fact "they are 'Wicked' good"