Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Holy Cannoli

Spring, Spring, Spring! Love spring, if I made a list separating my likes and dislikes of spring my likes would run on for pages and pages, but... there would be a few dislikes. Number 1 being ROAD CONSTRUCTION. Currently the road I live on is under going a 2 year road expansion thanks to the governments great stimulus Package. I am happy for the jobs it creates and the money/revenue it generates into the local economy, but good golly do I hate the tie up in traffic. Let me explain, I work locally and often between clients I use my home as an office, so I am in and out all day long. I travel anywhere from 50-100 miles a day. So when I approach a construction site and the flagger turns that slow sign to a STOP, I cringe thinking about the precious time. I have for the last month thought there was a conspiracy (yes I know that make me sound like I have a big ego), that every time they see my vehicle approach they get a good laugh at making me stop. I stop and I wait, and I wait and I wait. If the flagger was a lip reader I'm sure he/she would not be impressed with what I am saying in the privacy of my car. This week the construction tripled with three different work sites set up along the road. I would get through one ,and was convinced that the flagger I had just left called the one a mile down the road to alert "she is coming turn the sign to stop". Sometimes I have to laugh at my paranoia, Im sure its all coincidence that every time my kia approaches they make me stop, but yesterday as a good faith gesture I tried my hand at bribery...
A busy day in store, schedule tight, I approached the first site and bam.. the dreaded flagger Stops me. I laugh thinking "oh yeah this is how its going to be", then I look over at the seat next to me, ah a box of cannolis. Thats when I did it, in good humor, I rolled down the window and offered my "enemy" (the flagger) a cannoli, surprised and impressed he took the bait, but alas the sign stayed on stop, and every time that day I approached it turned to ... STOP. So the lesson of the story is "Don't waste a good cannoli on bribing construction flaggers" :(

1 comment:

Tina said...

April...I agree--do NOT waste a cannoli....send it my way. Only kidding. Perhaps you could find a good fun audio book to listen to in the car while you're on the road and waiting. I really find they help the traffic angst a lot.

BTW, I am a coffee freak and I love your coff-a-cuppe story. How Fun