Wednesday, November 18, 2009


years ago my son received a beautiful book from his grandfather called "Someday is not a day of the week" written by Denise Brennan-Nelson and Illustrated by Kevin O'Malley. It is about a little Beaver named Max who is so eager to do things with the grown-ups in his life, like build a fort or go fishing. Unfortunately the Adults are all to busy and caught up in there daily routines that they tell him "Someday but not today". Little Max consults his calendar, only to find that "someday" is not a day of the week or on the calender. With this knowledge he takes it to the grown-ups which is very sobering. The Adults quickly make time for little Max and all is good.
Although it is a kids book I think the message ideally is for the adults. I don't know how many times I have caught myself uttering those same words to my son "Someday"! Or even to myself!
Recently I had my son pull the book off his shelf, because with the holidays coming and so much to do I want to be reminded about not getting bogged down in commitments, chores and work and remember to take time for the little things that are important, be it a small little walk with my son or snuggling on the couch with my hubby... just don't put it off till "someday"

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